Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friends, I miss you.

I'm lucky I have such a tight-knit family because I've never had more than a few close friends at one time. My sister and I have joked for a long time that "You're friends are my friends." And it's true. I've always invited myself into her circles and she's never had a problem with it. But I find myself spending more time with her and her friends than any of my own.

In looking back, I see that I've had several close friendships; never part of a large circle. And even those friendships have changed with the season's of my life.

I still communicate (at least occassionally) with most friends from my past, but so many of us have drifted apart. They were true friendships, with shared secrets, hopes, dreams, and fears. But somehow they have grown quiet. Each one had a purpose in my life...something I treasure. And in reminiscing, I realize I miss not having those same tight friendships with me today. What could I have done differently?

I don't know why this came up for a blog topic today... I think I'm feeling lonely. People come into my life boldly leaving an impression, but tend to stay for a season or two. And I again realize how much my family and close friends mean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This kind of makes me sad, too, but I am also thankful for my family! I have considered you and Mom to be among my VERY best friends for a long time now. I'm glad that family members can be such good friends. We are lucky, or better yet, blessed. Love you, Sis!

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