I've been getting more and more frustrated with my little boy's eating habits lately. And I know he can sense it. I've tried to not let it become a battle because I know it's not one I could win. I mean, I can't force-feed him.... and he's just not going to eat vegetables on his own.
My husband and I have mature tastes. We love any meat, any vegetable, any fruit, and every ethnicity of food we've tried. I love to cook Mexican and my husband throws down some good Chinese and Italian. But the little guy won't try any of it.
So, what DOES he eat? Really, his list of "likes" is much smaller than the "dislikes." He eats canned chicken noodle soup, raman noodles, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, chips, spaghetti O's, bologna sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, lunchables, plain tacos, yogurt, cheese, spaghetti with butter and parmesan cheese, and a fine aray of fruits as well as sweets. Additionally, for breakfast he'll eat waffles, muffins, pancakes, hard-boiled eggs, cinnamon rolls, toast, and dry cereal.
This is NOT what I'd call a balanced diet. I wouldn't say I've ever just let my son dictate what goes on his plate. I've always offered him what the adults are eating... but for fear he won't eat ANYTHING, I've typically given him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when dinner is done and he hasn't eaten. Now, keep in mind, he doesn't whine or complain when he doesn't eat, he simply states "I don't like (whatever is in front of him)". At that point, we tell him he hasn't even tried it and we tell him to taste it. Reluctantly, with much delay and prompting, he puts a bite in his mouth, begins to chew, gets a sick look on his face, and spits it out.
Well, recently I've decided the old standby won't be available. If he won't eat what's on the table, he will go to bed without dinner. If at any time he wants to go back to the table, he can eat it. But a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is not an option. And he hasn't asked for it. He just doesn't eat. As the parent, I feel mean. I know my child is hungry. I even think he's losing weight... and he's already a skinny 5-year old.
A friend recently suggested V-8 Fusion (the vegetable juice that looks and tastes more like fruit juice) and so far he's drinking it without questioning it. But I'm also going to have to start giving him some vitamins. I'm wondering about Juice Plus, they're gummies. Does anybody know about this product? Please share. Or even better yet... ideas on getting boys to try vegetables?!
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